15 +

Years Of Experience

Acharya Dharmender Kumar Sharma (DK)

About Karma Konnections

I was born with innate psychic powers and come from a line of priests and astrologers. I am a certified Vedic Astrologer, Tarot Cards Reader and a MokshaPat reader. I grew up in a spiritual home and first learned Jyotishin my family. Despite spending over two decades working in the corporate sector, I never felt fully satisfied with who I was and always felt as though something was missing within my soul. My Guru helped me realise that this is notthereal-life path for me (Swadharma), and that I should return to my spirituality and use these powers of divination to assist others as the Supreme Almighty has chosen me for. I have always been a student of Astrology and other divinations since childhood,soI was profoundly moved by my Guru’s remarks and decided to resume my spiritual quest and began aiding and advising others on their life journeys.While we work for a living, we always must follow our true calling in life, which is to uphold Swadharma. Karma Konnections was founded with mission to help the society overcome the routine problems.

  • 15 + years of Experience in Occult Science

  • Provided 100+ Online Consultations

  • Certified Vedic Astrologer

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