Tarot Cards Reading

15 +

Years Of Experience

Acharya Dharmender Kumar Sharma (DK)

Tarot Cards Reading

There are 78 cards in the Tarot deck, with 22 Major Arcana’s and 56 Minor Arcana’s cards. Every card has a narrative, images, and symbolism. The karmic and spiritual lessons learned throughout life are symbolized by the 22 Major Arcana cards, while the everyday hardships we face are reflected in the 56 Minor Arcana cards. Some people might argue that Tarot cards are just pictures on paper. But the Tarot connects to our soul and searches for the true meaning of life. Tarot is helpful for creating oneself, making decisions, achieving goals, mentoring others, organizing a business, and practicing meditation, among other things.

  • 15 + years of Experience in Occult Science

  • Provided 100+ Online Consultations

  • Certified Tarot Card Reader and Certified Vedic Astrologer

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Major Arcana

Major Arcana, also known as Trump cards, includes 21 numbered cards and a single zero numbered card known as the Fool. Major Arcana’s deal with life changing big events in life having a long-term effect on our lives. So, paying attention to Major Arcana cards is very important. Fool plays a pivotal role in the Major Arcana; he moves through each card, learning lessons along the way in what's known as the Fool's Journey.

Minor Arcana

The 56 Minor Arcana cards relate to the more day to day life and challenges. Four suits deal with different aspects of our life and on a daily basisand have temporary kind of energy.

• Wands:

It is related to FIRE element and represent passion, sexuality, energy, creativity, and actions.

• Cups:

It is related to WATER element and represent emotions, compassion, feelings, and intuition.

• Swords:

These cards are related to AIR element and represent intellect, representing our thoughts, words, actions and logic.

• Pentacles:

It is related to EARTH element and represent the material world, offering guidance on our finances, career paths, and material possessions.

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