Chakras Balancing Guidance

15 +

Years Of Experience

Acharya Dharmender Kumar Sharma (DK)

Chakras Balancing Guidance

Major energy centres in the body are called chakras. Our positive well-being depends on the flow of our energy, and the seven chakras function as essential valves to control that flow. We can transcend mental boundaries, advance spiritually, and raise our consciousness by clearing or unblocking the chakras all over our body. Chakras are important elements on your spiritual path and understanding them will allow us to integrate our mind, body, and spirit in a better way. Chakras can be viewed as the seven doors to higher consciousness that will allow us to ascend and better understand our full potential.

  • 15 + years of Experience in Occult Science

  • Provided 100+ Online Consultations

  • Certified Vedic Astrologer

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1. Root Chakra or MuladharaChakra(“I AM”)

located at the base of your spine or tailbone and represent earth element. This Chakra represents the energies of your survival, comfort, stability and safety. Health issues can be related to problems in the legs, rectum, tailbone, immune system,reproductive parts and prostate gland whereas emotional imbalances factors are related to basic survival needs like money, shelter, food and the ability to provide life’s necessities.

2. Sacral Chakra– Swadhishthana Chakra (“I FEEL”)

located two inches below your navel in the lower abdomen and represent water element. This Chakra energies represent emotions, sexuality, pleasures, and sensuality. Health issues can be related to sexual and reproductive issues, urinary problems, kidney infections, hip pelvic and lower back pain. Emotional imbalances can be fear of commitment to relationships, expressing emotions, fears of impotence, betrayal and addictions.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra –Manipura Chakra(“I DO”)

located three inches above your navel and represent fire element. This Chakra represents Self-esteem, strength, determination, power and personality. Health imbalances can be related to digestion, liver issues, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach ulcers and colon issues. Emotional imbalances can be issues related to personal power and self-esteem.

4. Heart Chakra – Anahata Chakra (“I LOVE)

located at the heart and represent air element. Heath imbalances can be related to asthma, heart disease, lung disease, issues with breasts, lymphatic systems and upper back and shoulder problems. Emotional imbalances can be such as jealousy, abandonment, anger, bitterness and fear of loneliness.

5. Throat Chakra –Vishuddha Chakra (“I TALK”)

located at the throat and represent Ether/sound Health imbalances can be related to thyroid issues, sore throats, laryngitis, ear infections, neck and shoulder pain. Emotional imbalances such as fear of communication, will-power and being out of control.

6. Third Eye Chakra – Ajna Chakra (“I SEE”)

located in the middle of the eyebrows and represent the element of light. Health imbalances can be related to headaches, blurred vision, sinus issues, seizures, hearing loss and hormonal imbalance. Emotional imbalances such as moodiness, volatility and self-reflection.

7. Crown Chakra – Sahasrara Chakra(“I UNDERSTAND”)

located top of the head and represent the element of thought. Health imbalances can be related to depression, inability to learn, sensitivity to light, sound and the environment.

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